Friday, July 30, 2010

Faraday Institute of Science and Religion

Here is a link to a video of the talk on medieval science I gave at the Faraday Institute summer course a couple of weeks ago. I'll post some more thoughts that came out of the excellent week I had there soon.

My talk on The Importance of Medieval Science.

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  1. Joshua6:07 pm

    It was a fantastic and stimulating talk james. Im glad its now viewable online because I didn't take enough notes down in the actual talk.

    By the way I really enjoy this blog and also your other website so thanks alot. I hope your book continues to be widely read and appreciated in the future.


  2. Thanks Joshua. I'm glad you enjoyed it and I am very flattered that you thought it worth watching twice!

    Best wishes


  3. Anonymous8:50 pm

    James, do you have any current writing projects (books) on the go?

  4. chuff8:57 pm

    Thanks for posting this, it was an enjoyable watch!
