Sunday, June 14, 2009

Me on Comment is Free

The Guardian's Comment is Free has plumbed new depths with an article by some bloke called James Hannam on the conflict between science and religion. Apparently, Hannam thinks the conflict is a myth, but luckily plenty of better-informed commentators are on hand to set him straight.

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Unknown said...

Some of those comments are just too painful to read.

Knowing Thomas said...

"Some of those comments are just too painful to read."
I'm afraid to look.

Anonymous said...

This Hannam guy obviously has done no research about the history of science.

Humphrey said...

I think you'll find it's James Hallam

Anonymous said...

James, I have to agree with 'Butterflies and Wheels', because the real question of conflict is largely to do with method and the ethics of belief. Accommodation at the level of content is fairly straightforward. The real question is whether theology is a legitimate source of knowledge, or whether we should only trust empirical science to deliver true knowledge of the world. I'm examining these issues in a two-part series, the first of which is up here:

Anonymous said...

Well, the comments at B&W have not quite reached the low point of "Comment is Free"....

....but they're trying, oh yes.

Bernard said...

The comments are either highly amusing or depressing. I chose to be amused.
"BristolBoy, it seems I may have read a great deal more Greek ethics than you have." Smack-down!

Humphrey said...

Denounced by Jerry Coyne and P Z Myers. Not bad!.

Anonymous said...

Wow, the P.Z.Myers-groupies are out against this Hannam-guy. He's probably going to get his ass kicked because there's no way he could know more about the history of science than P.Z.Myers-fans.

Tim O'Neill said...

Your article has also got a thread at Luckily a kindly atheist has managed to head the anti-theist fanatics and fundies off at the pass:

Mate Mate Drink said...

Thanks for fabulous

Smart Information said...
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