It is obvious that anthropogenic global warming is not science at all, because a scientific theory makes non-obvious predictions which are then compared with observations that the average person can check for himself. As we both know from our own observations, AGW theory has spectacularly failed to do this. The theory has predicted steadily increasing global temperatures, and this has been refuted by experience. NOW the global warmers claim that the Earth will enter a cooling period. In other words, whether the ice caps melt, or expand --- whatever happens --- the AGW theorists claim it confirms their theory. A perfect example of a pseudo-science like astrology.In case you're wondering, my views on anthropogenic global warming are those of the utterly ignorant. I just don't know enough about the issues to justify having an opinion.
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Tipler's points about bringing back the Inquisition (#6) and that "the debate is over" could apply just as well to those who try to question Darwinism today, or to those who question the merit of embryonic stem cell research for treatments of human diseases.