Monday, June 14, 2004

On the crimeline project, I should point out I am only a contributor so it is no use complaining to me if you don't like the format/editorial stance. In general I should also mention that I don't necessarily endorse everything you can find on the sites I link to, even if I generally approve of them. Here endeth the public service announcement.

On other matters, I note that someone at the UK's largest examining board, the AQA, must have read my rant against forcing school kids to do Latin and Greek as they are phasing out both subjects. As I did my A level in Latin on this board a few years ago, I do regret this. It is not that I think kids shouldn't do classical languages, just that most won't want to and it they shouldn't be forced. It will always be a minority pursuit which is probably why the AQA found the exams were uneconomic.

My first published work is out! But it won't be making the bestsellers as it is only a book review for this journal. Book reviews seem to be a good way for graduate students to see their names in print and you get to keep the book! This actually makes them better remunerated than full scale journal articles.

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